Openstack Services timeout on Rabbimq
There is one of weird issue that our team had observed on the Rabbitmq
, which keeps causing timeout from client side of Openstack services. We wil take Nova
as an example
After restart a Rabbitmq
host from an old Queen-version cluster, we can see all of our nova-compute
services are down. Tracking the nova-compute.log, the error line looks something like this:
2024-04-04 00:01:49.109 52082 CRITICAL nova [req-d83c8f52-554f-442e-a41b-4889ee161bb5 - - - - -] Unhandled error: MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID ecddcc092b264d48a000b1d191cca6c8
2024-04-04 00:01:49.109 52082 ERROR nova MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID ecddcc092b264d48a000b1d191cca6c8
At first it's weird althought our nova-controller
services are fine. Because there is not much information on the log, we added more verbose option in nova.conf
debug = True
default_log_levels = amqp=DEBUG, amqplib=DEBUG, boto=WARN, qpid=WARN, sqlalchemy=WARN, suds=INFO, oslo.messaging=DEBUG, oslo_messaging=DEBUG, iso8601=WARN, requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool=WARN, urllib3.connectionpool=WARN, websocket=WARN, requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry=WARN, urllib3.util.retry=WARN, keystonemiddleware=WARN, routes.middleware=WARN, stevedore=WARN, taskflow=WARN, keystoneauth=WARN, oslo.cache=INFO, dogpile.core.dogpile=INFO
After that we can see more logs. Looks like the nova-compute client already prepared the message but cannot send to the queue
2024-04-04 00:00:49.106 52082 DEBUG [req-d83c8f52-554f-442e-a41b-4889ee161bb5 - - - - -] [Kombu channel:1] exchange_declare(nowait=False, exchange='nova', durable=False, passive=False, arguments=None, type='topic', auto_delete=False) __wrapped /openstack/venvs/nova-17.0.8/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kombu/utils/
2024-04-04 00:00:49.107 52082 DEBUG [req-d83c8f52-554f-442e-a41b-4889ee161bb5 - - - - -] [Kombu channel:1] prepare_message('{"oslo.message": "{\\"_context_domain\\": null, \\"_msg_id\\": \\"ecddcc092b264d48a000b1d191cca6c8\\", \\"_context_global_request_id\\": null, \\"_context_quota_class\\": null, \\"_context_read_only\\": false, \\"_context_request_id\\": \\"req-d83c8f52-554f-442e-a41b-4889ee161bb5\\", \\"_context_service_catalog\\": [], \\"args\\": {\\"object_versions\\": {\\"ComputeNode\\": \\"1.18\\", \\"PciDevicePoolList\\": \\"1.1\\", \\"PciDevicePool\\": \\"1.1\\", \\"Service\\": \\"1.22\\", \\"HVSpec\\": \\"1.2\\"}, \\"objmethod\\": \\"get_minimum_version\\", \\"args\\": [\\"nova-compute\\"], \\"objname\\": \\"Service\\", \\"kwargs\\": {}}, \\"_unique_id\\": \\"88b69850b7ed42bc97f91b9eb952b967\\", \\"_context_resource_uuid\\": null, \\"_context_instance_lock_checked\\": false, \\"_context_is_admin_project\\": true, \\"_context_user\\": null, \\"_context_user_id\\": null, \\"_context_project_name\\": null, \\"_context_read_deleted\\": \\"no\\", \\"_context_user_identity\\": \\"- - - - -\\", \\"_reply_q\\": \\"reply_9ddda42c82894d66848c172f54c2abdd\\", \\"_context_auth_token\\": null, \\"_context_show_deleted\\": false, \\"_context_tenant\\": null, \\"_context_roles\\": [], \\"_context_is_admin\\": true, \\"version\\": \\"3.0\\", \\"_context_project_id\\": null, \\"_context_project_domain\\": null, \\"_context_timestamp\\": \\"2024-04-03T17:00:49.023334\\", \\"_context_user_domain\\": null, \\"_context_user_name\\": null, \\"method\\": \\"object_class_action_versions\\", \\"_context_project\\": null, \\"_context_remote_address\\": null}", "oslo.version": "2.0"}', 0, u'application/json', u'utf-8', {}, {u'delivery_mode': 2, u'expiration': '60000'}) __wrapped /openstack/venvs/nova-17.0.8/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kombu/utils/
2024-04-04 00:00:49.107 52082 DEBUG [req-d83c8f52-554f-442e-a41b-4889ee161bb5 - - - - -] [Kombu channel:1] basic_publish_confirm(<amqp.basic_message.Message objectat 0x7f3be2f4ea50>, mandatory=False, routing_key='conductor', immediate=False, exchange='nova') __wrapped /openstack/venvs/nova-17.0.8/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kombu/utils/
We did try to restart (which solved almost of the system problem), but it doesn't work. After hours of doing "trial and error", we decide to remove the /nova
vhost of Rabbitmq
and recreated it.
$ rabbitmqctl list_users
Listing users
cinder []
magnum []
heat []
neutron []
openstack []
keystone []
admin [administrator]
glance []
nova []
octavia []
$ rabbitmqctl list_vhosts
Listing vhosts
$ rabbitmqctl list_permissions -p /nova
Listing permissions in vhost "/nova"
nova .* .* .*
$ rabbitmqctl list_policies -p /nova
Listing policies
$ rabbitmqctl delete_vhost /nova
Deleting vhost "/nova"
$ rabbitmqctl add_vhost /nova
Creating vhost "/nova"
$ rabbitmqctl set_permissions nova ".*" ".*" ".*" -p /nova
Setting permissions for user "nova" in vhost "/nova"
On line 1, 14, 26, 30
, we get the baseline before actually modifying the current system. After that we recreate vhost /nova
and assign the corresponing permisison for the existing user (line 33, 36, 39
). After that nova-compute
services are up again.
Recreate vhost is a destructive action. Please do it with care especially for crucial system like billing.
Recheck all the nova
services, we can see its output lots of log like this:
2024-04-04 11:38:23.462 13842 ERROR oslo.messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [req-9a1cca89-50e1-4017-9d72-53a444dba892 - - - - -] [4c7d5a68-2d6c-4239-b0b5-88f76b29c3a3] AMQP server on x.x.x.x:5671 is unreachable: . Trying again in 1 seconds. Client port: 51448: timeout
Somethings got timeout?
Dig deeper into the rabbitmq
=ERROR REPORT==== 2-Apr-2024::11:54:07 ===
Channel error on connection <0.4370.2> (a.b.c.d:54904 -> x.x.x.x:5671, vhost: '/nova', user: 'nova'), channel 1:
operation basic.publish caused a channel exception not_found: no exchange 'reply_a06c4c2a39a340a6ba4680f0d3575a00' in vhost '/nova'
Error indicates that the exchange is not found, but who should create it? Let's review a bit the relation between rabbitmq
within nova-conductor
and nova-compute
We can see that the nova-conductor
will send the message directly to the queue and the compute node will consume it. In return, if the nova-compute
needs to reply back to the conductor, it will use a queue with prefix reply_
. So to anwser our above question, the nova-compute
nodes are responsible for the reply_
queues' recreation.
Restart all the nova-compute
services and everythings look fine.